“ Thank you for taking such good care of us and sharing your country - AND Austria + Italy with us. Wishing you many more happy trips! ”
Unique active tours & activities, nature & cultural experiences.
Welcome Vandrovc-Globtrotter. Your Alps-Adriatic-Pannonian Basin-Balkan peninsula HOST-AMBASADORS.
Check out tours & activitiesLike we mentioned geographical factors are having huge influence so it would be interesting to learn with who we are sharing this four big European geographic units:
Then is when we get in our mind a line from a poem Slovenska Pesem of our great Slovenian poet Karel Destovnik-Kajuh. As we understand the poet was trying to explain that other details are often more important than numbers:)
(“Saj mi nismo le številke, smo ljudje - Because we are not just numbers, we are people”, Kajuh)
Check out tours & activities More about us
Each unit has different landscape, climate, flora & fauna, history & cultural background, traditional food,
architecture, character and life style of its inhabitants and we could continue with listing.
soncesun | vodawater | zrakair | svobodafreedom